- That there is One God, in essence and in person. This One true God is infinite in power and intelligence, present everywhere at the same time. Holy in nature, attributes and purpose. Manifesting and revealing Himself in a divine threefold relationship as Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Ghost). This One True God took upon Himself flesh in redemption and became the Son of God, Jesus Christ, according to the flesh (Romans 1:3). God with us according to the Spirit (Matthew 1:23). In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily and we are complete in Him.
2. The Holy Bible to be the inerrant, infallible, and immutable living and abiding word of the Lord, revealing the character, will, and mind of God, disclosing His plans for the universe and man, the crown of His creation (John 1:5, Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 6:17-18).
3. That through the sin of Adam, the first man, and all mankind is under a curse of sin and death and is only saved through the atonement of Jesus Christ (the last Adam) (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12-17, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49).
4. That through Jesus Christ we have wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We also have through Him all the temporal provisions for our physical life, including healing of the body and mind and all material needs (Isaiah 53:5, Colossians 3:17, James 1:5, 3 John 2).
5. That the church is the body of Christ; therefore, every Christian must identify with the church in the sacraments of Water Baptism in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Communion.